A year ago today, a beautiful baby was born. Baby Sarah Tzipporah was born still, pale and silent.

Before active labor started, we knew that her heart had stopped. The rest of that day was surreal. Contractions came closer and then stronger and then closer again. Bon Jovi sang in the background. Joe and Abby worked together, seamlessly, beautifully, to birth their third child, a beloved baby girl. All day, and into the night, Baby Sarah was with us and gone at the same time.

Now, a year later, everything and nothing has changed.
Sarah is with us and gone at the same time.
She is loved.
She is still Sarah.

May all babies be born into loving hands

Sarah’s LCM Blog post
A 2012 post from Sarah’s Aunt Chana
A 2012 post from a dear friend of Sarah’s mom’s
Last but never least, from Abby, she is still Sarah’s mom