Welcome Archive: 2009

Baby Emalia Claire

Blue Moon, Baby! December 31, 2009, New Year's Eve and a blue moon (the second full moon of the month), Local Care Midwifery's fourth baby was born. Hale, healthy, beautiful and wise, she met her loving family in their joyous home. Enjoy another fabulous female, Ella Fitzgerald, singing about a blue moon.   Michelle May all babies be born into loving hands

By |2019-03-28T14:24:24-04:00December 31st, 2009|Welcome Archive: 2009, Welcome to the World|

Local Care Midwifery’s first baby, Mercianna, August, 2009

Three weeks after our opening, Local Care Midwifery's first baby, Mercianna was born at home, on time, healthy and beautiful! She was greeted warmly by her loving, big sisters and the rest of her lovely family. Michelle May all babies be born into loving hands

By |2019-03-05T09:04:21-05:00August 26th, 2009|Welcome Archive: 2009, Welcome to the World|
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