
The Top Ten Least Wonderful Things About Being a Private Practice, Home Birth Attending Midwife and Small Business Owner

The writing muse has been quiet lately. In attempt to woo her back, I posted a question on Facebook: 'What would you like to read as a Midwifery, Mothering & Me post'. The winning comment (for the moment) requested a post about the down side of being a midwife, the un-glamorous side of the job, something nitty and gritty. Well, (thank you, Mandy Torres) here goes....

By |2019-03-07T15:00:14-05:00August 2nd, 2013|Health, Home Birth, Midwifery, Midwifery, Mothering & Me|

Top Ten Reasons I Love Having A Planned Home Birth Practice

I love having a planned home birth practice. As a fun exercise, I have written my "Top Ten Reasons" in a Midwifery, Mothering and Me blog post. In all honestly, numbers nine through two may vary depending on the day and my mood. But, the number one reason is absolutely unwavering.

By |2021-11-26T13:29:20-05:00April 11th, 2013|Health, Home Birth, Midwifery, Midwifery, Mothering & Me|
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